C O L L E C T I O N S & P R O J E C T S
“Women and the Woods”, a short film by Spontaneous Atelier & friends
“Landscape Capes” Light language of Ontario plants collected throughout the landscape. Alchemically synergised healing garments, having a vibratory coherence with the earth. Softly influencing subtle frequencies upon the wearer. ~ Ontario botanicals, on wool & silk. 2018
“Five Sisters Collection” Bioregionally Dyed Journey of pigments of Manitoulin Island, Ontario & Sebastopol, California on hemp handmade dresses
Samples of Handcrafted Shibori Meditation Cushions
A glimpse of some silk earth printed handmade pieces from 2015 - 2017
“Compost Colors” Food waste on wool 2014
“Silent Dialogues on Silk” Snow dyed on recycled silk tunics with hand stitched crystals. 2013